Watercolor Here Comes the Sun Painting

Here Comes the Sun

One rainy morning, I was walking by my garden and saw these hydrangeas, heavy with raindrops.  The day was still quite overcast, with no hope of seeing the sun that day when, without warning, the sun peaked through the clouds (what we call a "sun break" here in Washington state) and illuminated my hydrangeas.  The flowers were glowing and the raindrops were shining -- wow! 

I decided to paint that scene to remind me of the wonderful promise that "sun breaks" represent to us in the damp Pacific Northwest.

This original watercolor is hand signed and titled and is already matted and framed, ready to hang!  Sizes are the painting size only -- matted and framed paintings will be a bit larger (typically 5-8" larger per side.)

Prices do not include shipping.  Contact me to get an estimate for shipping costs.

Size Cost
16" x 20" $545